Wednesday, October 18, 2006

That dent in my forehead?

There's something about homeschooling that is remarkably like herding sheep. I once heard someone say that sheep are the dumbest of the animals, and I would hardly compare my children to them in that regard, but they repeatedly do not listen to the voice of their shepherd and go off on tangents all day long. I love these kids but I have to say I'm getting tired of beating my head up and down on my desk here. Add to the mix a teething, clingy baby and I have to say that the hair on the back of my neck is beginning to stand up. Breathe in, breathe out. Serenity now.
I haven't had time to get that camera up and running, so I'll leave you with a teaser of what's to come.

Evelyn Clark's Shetland Triangle
My second FBS, which is at 75% completion
Stephanie Japel's Forecast
Bonne Marie's Cutaway
Annie Modesitt's Sideways Spencer, sans acceptable buttons
and several other projects in various stages of completion

1 comment:

Karen said...

Howdy! Nice to see you blogging again. I look forward to seeing what you've been working on! And maybe at SnB one of these days! :)